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What to wear or not wear for your massage?
Question: Do I have to get naked?

Short Answer: No

Long Answer: Here’s what you need to know about clothing during a session: Different modalities of massage may require more or less clothing for an effective massage. For instance Table Thai requires lose fitting clothing (yoga like).  Sports massage or Therapeutic massage may require no clothes and very little undergarments. 


No matter what, you’ll always be covered (draped) with a sheet and a blanket. You’ll never be left feeling exposed or chilly. When I work on an arm, I fold the sheet back and tuck it under your arm so it’s secure. I follow the same protocol for the leg.

When I work on the full back, I fold the drape down at the hips. If you’re wearing underwear I’ll gently tuck the sheet around the waistband, to protect your clothes from massage oil. If you’re wearing a bra, I’ll work around it. If you’re wearing a tank top or shorts or long johns, I’ll work through it. I know plenty of very effective massage techniques that can be administered over clothing.


If I feel I can’t effectively treat your issue through the clothing you’ve chosen to wear, I’ll tell you, and we’ll figure out another approach. Please know that I don’t care, and I’m not judging you.


This massage is about you and it’s important you feel comfortable. For some people that means leaving some clothing on. For others, it means taking it all off. There is no right or wrong, this is your massage.

Cherre Bull 858.429.9723
Therapeutic Massage Therapist
7520 Eads Ave #7 La Jolla CA 92037
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